Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Kevin and Christie said... was great to meet you at Ava's birthday party! I love your great. Isn't it so crazy how kids are so photogenic!

Those Tonnes said...

I am doing a lot better. Still not a 100% but better. You are so sweet to offer to make us dinner. Tonight we are going to a Maundy Thursday service and then we are eating out after that. So we are doing okay right now. I put myself on a strict bland diet and it seems to be helping the stomach. If I ever get really sick again and need some help I will let you know.

Those Tonnes said...

I don't want you to be mad! I will definitely let you know. So sweet!

Elizabeth said...

They are adorable!!! I love the ones with Emma doing her 'sassy' stand and Jacob in mid air....Miss you, but I was so glad I got to see you when we were up there.

Elizabeth said...

They are adorable!!! I love the ones with Emma doing her 'sassy' stand and Jacob in mid air....Miss you, but I was so glad I got to see you when we were up there.

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

I'm so glad to see another mom lets her kids jump on the bed! My little monkies think this is the greatest thing, even though we have a trampoline in the backyard! In their new bedroom, they have 2 twin beds separated by about 2 feet and now they jump from one bed to the other. It's hillarious!